I am pleased to say that Sally’s new bear shop in Kettering is doing very well and she has had a lot of success already. My two elephants I sent have already been sold and my bear has been reserved. I have now sent some more bears to her. So if you are in or near Kettering why not pop in and visit the shop. It is called Bear with Me and is in Market Street. Or check out her website www.bearwithme.me
Latest needle felting news
I haven’t blogged the needle felting pictures for quite a while as some of it has been top secret for Christmas pressies etc. But now I can finally show you what these extremely talented ladies have been up to for the last couple of months. We have been making character dolls. I got quite emotional on our last class before Christmas as they have all done so well and I am so proud of them. Some of them still needed a few finishing touches so I took the final pics at our first class back on Thursday. Prepare to be amazed.
Here are a few more pics of the making of them.
Take a close look at Kelly’s man. He is anatomically correct. We did have some laughs……………..
But it wasn’t just character dolls that were being made at the classes. Emma made a fantastic tortoise. The photo really doesn’t do it justice. It is so good. And Mandy finished her pony which I’m sure you will agree looks very good.
So that’s what we have been busy with. What do you think??
Hugglets preview
Well I think I am nearly ready for Hugglets. The bears, bunnies, hedgehogs and elephants are ready to go. My stall is planned, and lots of business cards printed. Very soon the bears will be added to my bears for adoption page so you can get more details. If any of you want a lovely day out on Sunday 8th September why not treat yourself to a day in London at Kensington Town Hall for the Hugglets Teddies 2013 festival. Come and meet the bears and have a hug. I will be in Hall 1, Stand 30. For more details pop along to the Hugglets website www.hugglets.co.uk
But here are some of the bears etc I will be taking with me
Hope to see you there
Another busy needle felting class
We have had another lovely felting class with lots of chatter and many beautiful creations being made. The classroom was absolutely full again with all 12 seats taken, meaning no seat for me (not that I would have time to sit down anyway)
It was great fun and everyone is now an expert as far as I’m concerned so it’s time for a new challenge.
The bigger projects! I’m not sure if I ever blogged about George but he was my first needle felted character doll that
I made using an online workshop by Kay Petal of Felt Alive. She is one clever lady.
I know some of my ladies are itching to start their bigger projects so I am hoping to teach a few new techniques to help them get started. There is talk of needle felted ET, Dobby from Harry Potter, Minnie Mouse, Rosie and Jim and even Betty Boop. All sounds very interesting and I can’t wait to get started. Now that Anita has got all the supplies into Swanstitch for us we are raring to go. So watch this space and when the photos start appearing, please leave comments and let us know what you think.
Mohair/needle felted hedgehog Class
Dates for the mohair/needle felted hedgehog class have now been decided.
Saturday 29th June
Sunday 7th July
Saturday 14th September
Cost including all materials £30
If you would like to book please either contact me on 07790783559 or Swanstitch on 01304 366915