It seems like everything I am making lately is for a present for someone but I love giving and making people happy.
My lovely friend Maureen told me a while ago that she absolutely loves hedgehogs. They are her favourite. So, one day when I was looking for mohair fabric for my bears, I spotted this fantastic hedgehog mohair, and decided there and then that I would have a go at making her one. I bought a small piece and got really excited when it arrived as it looked exactly like hedgehog prickles. I didn’t have time to make her the hedgehog for Christmas but decided to make it for her birthday which happens to be Easter Sunday this year.
I drew out a rough picture of how I thought he should look and separated it into pattern pieces for prickles and white mohair. It looked really odd. Especially the white bit. More like a sea lion. But I decided to cut it and sew it anyway. It worked! I couldnt wait to stuff him and add his needle felted face and feet. And little hedgie (as I have been calling him) was soon born. I realised, when he was finished that the pattern needed tweaking slightly for future hedgehogs but I was happy with my first attempt.
I made a little box for him to sit in instead of wrapping him and gave him to Maureen yesterday.
Maureen was absolutely thrilled with him and text me this morning to tell me again that she loved him to bits. She took him along to my needle felting class last night and he got a very good reaction from everyone. I have already had requests to teach a hedgehog class so look out for details in the near future if you are interested.
I made her birthday card too which was inspired by one I saw on Pinterest. For anyone who hasn’t yet seen the wonders of Pinterest you should really give it a go. It is an online website where, if you see anything you like you pin it onto a board of your own. Why not sign up and follow me. I can do all the hard work for you then, of finding all these wonderful things, then you just need to repin them from me. Give it a go but beware, it’s addictive. Thanks for reading xx